Say Hello to Rowdy
Rowdy Solutions, a young Ukrainian product company
a system developer for improving user interaction with social networks.
For as low as $0.00095 per one data portion

Our Plans

We believe we have created the most efficient SaaS landing page for your users. Landing page with features that will convince you to use it for your SaaS business.


$0 / month
$0 / yearly
  • 1 User Account
  • 10 Team Members
  • Unlimited Emails Accounts
  • Set And Manage Permissions
  • API & extension support
  • Developer support
  • A / B Testing


$29 / month
$320 / yearly
  • 10 User Account
  • 100 Team Members
  • Unlimited Emails Accounts
  • Set And Manage Permissions
  • API & extension support
  • Developer support
  • A / B Testing


$99 / month
$900 / yearly
  • Unlimited User Account
  • Unlimited Team Members
  • Unlimited Emails Accounts
  • Set And Manage Permissions
  • API & extension support
  • Developer support
  • A / B Testing

Help & Support

Your issue is our main priority. Our 24/7 support team is here to help you and make sure our product is up to date.

Media & Press

Online awards and publications. Get our media resources and learn about our company information.


Have a presale question about our products and features? Or looking for a refund? We would love to hear what you concern is.

Get Started Now!

We believe we have created the most efficient system for your users. With our company you will able to set new goals for your business.